Tuesday 3 September 2019

The wonderful people of dog sports!

An unexpected post title after my last two, complain-y, rage-y posts! After some recent unpleasant experiences, it was SUCH A PLEASURE to have a few events with people who really reminded me how awesome the dog sport world is.


First: I recently attended a Sprinter event. I have been to one previous Sprinter and a couple of FAST CATS but have always had a friend or my husband with me to handle the hold/release of my dog while I handled the catch. This was the first time I was going to be totally solo, and in a new-to-me area, so unlikely to run into people I knew. I had some trepidation as my normally extremely gentle, sweet Dalmatian, Hazzard, turns into a screaming banshee at lure. He scream-barks, sounds violently aggressive (he isn't), and will do ANYTHING to release himself. He is crazy strong, and I have only ever handed him off to my husband before.

I arrived early and happened to run into a trio of people, one of whom I had met briefly at a recent obedience trial, so I recognized her and her GORGEOUS lab. I chatted with them briefly and mentioned I was there solo. They IMMEDIATELY offered to help me, how kind! I took them up on it and offered my assistance in any way. I did warn them that my dog turns into a demon near the lure, but the beautiful lab's owner assured me that her boy, Elroy, was also very strong and she could handle him.

There were 4 runs and EVERY one of this lovely trio held both Random and Hazzard. They didn't complain about Hazzard's...exuberance, rather they assured me it was all fine :). I was thrilled to be able to help them by holding their dogs - and enjoyed meeting the sweetest golden, Kara, the handsome and strong lab, Elroy, and the coolest mini-poo, Newton. Beyond the help, they were just lovely humans. They offered to share their lunch, they congratulated my dogs, and they made me feel welcome! Such a nice introduction to a new area for dog sports.

So - on the heels of a couple of posts about how people need to be welcoming - what a lovely experience. These lovely ladies modeled exactly what we all need to do at events...be welcoming to new people, help when you can (not at the expense of your own dog, or run...but when possible), being friendly is a nice bonus!

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